
2nd lecture: How to use Chemsketch.

Assalamualaikum :)

Hii guys! Whats up? Hope you guys are in a pink of health..

Today, we are having a new member in our group. Her name is Afifah bt Azam and she is taking Biotechnology course.

For today's lecture, we learned about Chemsketch (what's that??). For those who have been known this sofware for ages, it would not be a weird stuff.. @_@. Eventhough we just learn about this software, but we are pretending to know everything!! Phewww! Yes... We are newbies, but we will try to explain a little bit about Chemsketch. So please lend me your eyes!!!

Chemsketch  is a software used to draw chemical structures including organics, organometallics, polymers and Markush structures. It also include features such as calculations of molecular properties ( eg; molecular weight, density, etc ), 2D and 3D structure cleaning and viewing, functionality for naming structures ( fewer than 50 atoms and 3 rings) and prediction of logP .

If you do not have this software, please download it HERE!

If you want to know more about this software, simply go to this link: CLICK HERE!

These are the diagrams that we drew using this software:

Energy of Reaction Diagram (ERD)

We really worked hard for this task (almost give up! STRESS). Thanks a lot for our hardworking members :D.. Till then, have a nice day..

Lets Ta'aruf..~


Assalamua'laikum wbt.. =)

first and foremost, Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah, for giving us this oppurtunity to ofiicially 'launch' this blog.. so, since this is the first entry, we (yes, 'we'), would like to introduce ourselves.. oh, before that, this is actually our first assignment for KOS 1110. ok, back to the point, we are the students of IIUM Kuantan. Please enjoy the beautiful scenery of our beloved IIUM Kuantan campus. ;)

IIUM Logo! Peace...

The front gate

 Our beautiful Mosque

 Mahallah Maimunah (the place where we are staying)

If you are interested to join IIUM, please go to our website. Click here for IIUM info!

Courses in Kuliyyah of Science:

Kuliyyah of Science Bachelor in Mathematical Science
Bachelor in Biotechnology

here's our details..
a) Sharifah Nur Amirah Binti Syed Bakar (Mira)
    course: Bachelor in Mathematical Science

b) Hanis Nadia Binti Abd Ghani
   course: Bachelor in Biotechnology

why dora? dont ask me..

c) Safiyyah Binti Mohd Salleh
    course: Bachelor in Biotechnology

d) Afifah Binti Azam
    course: Bachelor in Biotechnology

 hmm, we think this is the end for today's entry (we're out of ideas actually, hehe). hopefully, we will meet again.. wait for our next entry.. until then, have a nice day! =)