
SMILES tutorial


Today's post is about how to draw SMILES structure. SMILES stands for Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System. It is widely used and computationally efficient. It also uses atomic symbols and a set of intuitive rules. hydrogen-suppressed molecular graphs (HSMG) is being applied to complete this tutorial.

1.     C=CCC=CO

2.       CCN(CC)CC

3.      CC(C)C(=O)O

4.     CC(C)C(CCC)C(CCC)C=C

5.       C1CCCCC1

6.       CC1=CC(Br)CCC1

7.     C1CN(CCC1)C2CCCCO2

8.     c1ccco1

9.     O=C1C=CN=CN1

10.      c1ccccn1

11.      O=n1ccccc1

12.  [O-][n+]1ccccc1

13.     O=C1C=CC=CN1

14.     Cn1cccc1

15.     c1cccn1

16.     Oc1ccccn1

17.     C\C=C\C=C\F

18.       F/C=C/C=CC

Thats all from us.. thank you.. =)