
SMILES tutorial


Today's post is about how to draw SMILES structure. SMILES stands for Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System. It is widely used and computationally efficient. It also uses atomic symbols and a set of intuitive rules. hydrogen-suppressed molecular graphs (HSMG) is being applied to complete this tutorial.

1.     C=CCC=CO

2.       CCN(CC)CC

3.      CC(C)C(=O)O

4.     CC(C)C(CCC)C(CCC)C=C

5.       C1CCCCC1

6.       CC1=CC(Br)CCC1

7.     C1CN(CCC1)C2CCCCO2

8.     c1ccco1

9.     O=C1C=CN=CN1

10.      c1ccccn1

11.      O=n1ccccc1

12.  [O-][n+]1ccccc1

13.     O=C1C=CC=CN1

14.     Cn1cccc1

15.     c1cccn1

16.     Oc1ccccn1

17.     C\C=C\C=C\F

18.       F/C=C/C=CC

Thats all from us.. thank you.. =)

How To Create A Webpage Using HTML~

as well as usual,  and hi to everyone...(",
well, this is some story from four of us. When we're giving this task, our brain like doesn't work anymore. Blurrrr....
Then, we're always forgot about this task until our beloved madam told us again and again that we have to present this in our next class which actually our last class together. Now, we think its true about this famous saying goes that time flies. Yes! its right that tomorrow is another day but it will never be the same as yesterday.

Yesterday is a history, Today is a gift, Tomorrow is a mystery.

 so, let us continue to our main objective.
HTML or HyperText Markup Language is a type of computer language that is used to create pages that can be posted on the Internet or sent via email. Although it might seem complex to many people, it is considered to be a relatively simple language. All text, graphics, and design elements of an HTML page are "tagged" with codes that instruct the web browser or email program how to display those elements.

You can learn here:

 and here how to create website using html

guess what!
we're amazed to create our own website. Haha...even at first we're in confusing. Alhamdulillah, we're finally finished our last project after all of us spent a night together. And we think you should know that at this moment, our friendship become more tight and lovely...=) and we actually finished this task with smile and bright on our face.

haha....we could see here Nadia with her sleepy face and not only that, she can't open her eyes anymore (she had a full-day MGT's class before our meeting), Afifah with her laptop still keep trying to make our task finish successfully, me (Mira) who keep typing this until to the end. And we're looking forward to see Safiyyah with her presentation in our last class with mdm Linda this Monday. And three of us will support her from every side. Haha...just kidding :) We will help her with this presentation to get the butterflies out from her stomach...

And insyaAllah this blog won't stop here and we will keep posting our story :) So, see you all in the next post.  

3rd Lecture : PDB and Raswin

Been missing us? hehe.. :)

Alhamdulillah, today is our third class with Madam Linda, and  like our previous classes, we learn something new. Something that makes us wonder *is this really necessary?*... but well, we as the "good" students have to follow everything that has been outlined in each course.. but it doesnt matter, as long as we get the knowledge and gain benefits from them, we're okay with it.. :)

Okay, since last week we (except nadia and afifah, hahaha...) cracked our head trying to complete our task using Chemsketch, so today, we learn how to use a different type of software named RASWIN aka RASMOL.
Today's task is less complicated than last week (Alhamdulillah..).., however we had a hard time downloading the sofware (ughh..).. we spent most of our time just to look for it.. here's a brief information on what RASWIN is all about..

 RASMOL is a sophisticated, yet user-friendly, molecular graphics program for viewing molecules. The program is provided as freeware, available for internet downloading, by Roger Sayle at the BioMolecular Structures Group of Glaxo Research & Development (UK). When the program is compiled for use by Microsoft Windows users, it is called RASWIN. 

 If you wanna know more about how to this software, you can simply go to this link..
Raswin Manual

These are the diagrams that we edit using this software:

LexA (1LEA)
Thermolysin (3FWD)
HtrA (3MH5)
DegS (3LH1)

Last but not least, next week we will be sitting for our mid-sem examination.. best of luck to all candidates..
Do pray for us.. :) love you all!!

Mid-break is comingggggg... Hoyeahhh!! :)

2nd lecture: How to use Chemsketch.

Assalamualaikum :)

Hii guys! Whats up? Hope you guys are in a pink of health..

Today, we are having a new member in our group. Her name is Afifah bt Azam and she is taking Biotechnology course.

For today's lecture, we learned about Chemsketch (what's that??). For those who have been known this sofware for ages, it would not be a weird stuff.. @_@. Eventhough we just learn about this software, but we are pretending to know everything!! Phewww! Yes... We are newbies, but we will try to explain a little bit about Chemsketch. So please lend me your eyes!!!

Chemsketch  is a software used to draw chemical structures including organics, organometallics, polymers and Markush structures. It also include features such as calculations of molecular properties ( eg; molecular weight, density, etc ), 2D and 3D structure cleaning and viewing, functionality for naming structures ( fewer than 50 atoms and 3 rings) and prediction of logP .

If you do not have this software, please download it HERE!

If you want to know more about this software, simply go to this link: CLICK HERE!

These are the diagrams that we drew using this software:

Energy of Reaction Diagram (ERD)

We really worked hard for this task (almost give up! STRESS). Thanks a lot for our hardworking members :D.. Till then, have a nice day..

Lets Ta'aruf..~


Assalamua'laikum wbt.. =)

first and foremost, Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah, for giving us this oppurtunity to ofiicially 'launch' this blog.. so, since this is the first entry, we (yes, 'we'), would like to introduce ourselves.. oh, before that, this is actually our first assignment for KOS 1110. ok, back to the point, we are the students of IIUM Kuantan. Please enjoy the beautiful scenery of our beloved IIUM Kuantan campus. ;)

IIUM Logo! Peace...

The front gate

 Our beautiful Mosque

 Mahallah Maimunah (the place where we are staying)

If you are interested to join IIUM, please go to our website. Click here for IIUM info!

Courses in Kuliyyah of Science:

Kuliyyah of Science Bachelor in Mathematical Science
Bachelor in Biotechnology

here's our details..
a) Sharifah Nur Amirah Binti Syed Bakar (Mira)
    course: Bachelor in Mathematical Science

b) Hanis Nadia Binti Abd Ghani
   course: Bachelor in Biotechnology

why dora? dont ask me..

c) Safiyyah Binti Mohd Salleh
    course: Bachelor in Biotechnology

d) Afifah Binti Azam
    course: Bachelor in Biotechnology

 hmm, we think this is the end for today's entry (we're out of ideas actually, hehe). hopefully, we will meet again.. wait for our next entry.. until then, have a nice day! =)